Photo Credit: Anthony Caimano
Meet the 2024-2025 BPG E-Board! We are so excited to meet new faces and see returning faces this fall. If you have any questions, please reach out to any of our E-Board members. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Madison King
Email: mking38@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Madison is a senior from Syracuse, NY!
She’s majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. She has been dancing for 18 years and this will be her 4th year with BPG. Madison can’t wait to dance again with the BPG family and is looking forward to all the fun times. A fun fact about Madison is that she loves Disney and has been to Disney over 20 times!

Vice President
Molly Killian
Email: mkillia3@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
​Molly is from Fenton, MI and is going to be a junior this year. She is majoring in Biochemistry with a minor in Spanish. This will be her third year with BPG and her 19th year dancing. A fun fact about her is she has met Cathy and Vivi from Dance Moms!

Business Manager
Angela Watts
Email: awatts7@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Angela is from Wellesley MA and is an incoming sophomore majoring in political science, philosophy, and economics. This is Angela’s second year in BPG, and she has been dancing for 17 years. A fun fact about Angela is that she snowboards.

Publicity Coordinator
Bridget Riley
Email: briley4@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Bridget is a senior majoring in Environmental Sciences and Environmental Health. She is from Cortland, NY and has been dancing for 16 years, four of which have been with BPG! A fun fact about Bridget is that if she has aux she will always be playing Taylor Swift!

Fundraising Coordinator
Lila Jackson-Molnar
Email: ljacks33@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Lila is a first year majoring in Biology on the pre-med track and is hoping to minor in Anthropology. Lila is from Wayne, PA and has been dancing for 16 years. Despite this only being her first year with BPG, we are so excited to have her as our new fundraising coordinator! A fun fact about Lila is that she used to sail and has competed in a regatta!

Social Chair
Belle Settle
Email: isettle@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Belle is from Honeoye Falls, NY and is a sophomore majoring in Optical Engineering with a minor in Studio Art. Belle has been with BPG for one year, but has been dancing for 15 years. A fun fact about Belle is that she used to be a Starbucks Barista!

Technique Coordinator
Lia Polster
Email: lpolste2@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: Any
Lia is a sophomore from Cleveland, OH majoring in Linguistics with minors in Film and Media Studies and Computer Science. This is her second year in BPG! Fun fact, Lia wears the U of R sunglasses she received during orientation week everywhere!

Outreach Coordinator
Maia Ross
Email: mross39@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Maia is a senior majoring in Music, Chemistry, and Physics and Astronomy. Maia has been dancing for three years, and this will be her 5th semester with BPG! A fun fact about Maia is she is a third degree black belt!

Costume Manager
Fiora Schnell
​Email: fschnell@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: she/her
Fiora is a sophomore from Kutztown, PA! She is majoring in ASL and Gender Studies, with a minor in Digital Media Studies. Fiora has been dancing for 17 years, and this will be her 2nd year with BPG. A fun fact about Fiora is she has beat over 4000 levels in candy crush!

Isaac Mathias
Email: imathias@u.rochester.edu
Pronouns: he/him/his
Isaac is a junior majoring in Microbiology with a minor in music. He has been dancing for 10 years and has been a member of BPG for four semesters. As Secretary, one of Isaac’s jobs is to run our Youtube Channel. A fun fact Isaac wants to share is that BPG’s Youtube archives date all the way back to 2009!