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Frequently Asked Questions


How many dances am I required to be in?

You are required to rehearse one classical ballet piece each semester. Otherwise, you may be in as many dances as you choose! (Space permitting)


Can I choreograph a dance?

Any member who has been in BPG for at least one semester may propose choreography. The Exec Board selects a certain number of pieces for the show each semester.


Do you have to audition to get into BPG?

No, anyone can join BPG! Within the group, there are some closed pieces that are audition-only and accept between 4 and 6 dancers. Open dances are open to any member.


How often do pieces rehearse?

Each dance rehearses once a week for approximately one hour.


What should I wear to a rehearsal?

Come prepared to dance! Pull your hair away from your face and wear reasonably close-fitting clothes. If a dance requires a certain kind of shoe, the choreographer will let you know.


How difficult is the ballet/classical component?

There is a classical piece for every level of ballet experience.


Does BPG have any social events?

Yes! We have a Social Chair who plans events within BPG and between BPG and other groups around campus. We have dinners, movie nights, hang-outs, and lots of other events.


Isn't dancing just for girls?

Not at all! BPG welcomes everyone in our group, and we're always looking for new members!


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